How Much Does a Rat Exterminator Cost?

Nobody wants to deal with a rat infestation in their home. In order to minimize the potential impact of rats on your property and its inhabitants, you’ll want to act fast. While you may be tempted to flirt with the idea of dealing with the problem yourself, hiring an expert to remove rats is the safest and most efficient option. However, no rat problem is the same, so each rat removal estimate will vary.

Here are some factors that can affect the cost of a rat exterminator and the reasons why you’ll want such invasive rodents captured, contained, and removed by professionals who know what they’re doing.

3 Rat Exterminator Cost Factors

When determining the price of your rat removal, several factors are at play. These three important aspects will determine how much your specific rat problem will cost.

  1. Severity – The size of your rat infestation will be one of the largest factors your rat exterminator uses to determine the cost. Simply put, the greater number of rats, the more expensive it will be. This is because an exterminator will need more time to gather the resources necessary to remove and relocate the rats.
  2. Damages caused – Rats can cause lots of damage to your property, which may require professional repair. Some exterminators can provide such restorative services, but they will require additional costs.
  3. Entry points – Rats can crawl through vents, chimneys, windows, and unsealed cracks and holes in walls to get into your home. Exterminators can seal these vulnerable entry points, but the overall cost will increase.

When to Call for a Rat Exterminator

It’s possible to catch a few rats by yourself, but without a professional exterminator, the infestation will only grow. The earlier you notice the rat infestation, the more successful and less expensive the rat removal will be. That way, it will be easier for the exterminator to safely round up and remove these aggressive creatures, saving you time, energy, and money in the process.

Time is key. As soon as you see damage or take notice of rats in your home, it’s best to give the rat exterminators at Critter Control® of Boston a call. Our professional rat removal experts can provide safe services to end your rat infestation before it grows out of control.

Call Today for Your Free Rat Exterminator Quote

Whether you have an existing rat problem or want to take preventative measures to keep your home rat-free for good, you can rely on Critter Control® of Boston to best serve your property using safe and effective removal methods.

To schedule a free inspection of your Greater Boston area home or business, give us a call today at 617-975-0440.


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