No matter the season, Boston homes and businesses are always surrounded by natural wildlife. Whether it’s woodchucks, squirrels, skunks or rats, there’s always a critter lurking nearby looking for a way to access the food and warmth inside your property. Here are some easy wildlife control tips to keep your property free of nuisance pests all year long.

Preventative Wildlife Control Tips

Protect your property with these helpful wildlife control tips:

  • Cover up

    Chimneys, exhaust fan openings, and window wells are easy entry points for wildlife. To keep wildlife from using these crucial openings as a way inside, install chimney caps and cover exhaust fans and window wells with a mesh material.

  • Secure your home

    Nuisance critters can sneak inside properties under torn weatherstripping, in between door gaps, and through holes in roofs. Regular maintenance on your home, such as repairing damaged screens, installing door sweeps, replacing weatherstripping, and repairing your roof will help keep unwanted wildlife at bay.

  • Use landscaping

    While you may want your yard to look its best, certain items like bird feeders, bird baths, and fruit trees, can attract nuisance wildlife. Removing such items, fencing in gardens and landscaping your yard are effective wildlife control techniques to prevent attracting pests to your yard. You should also trim tree limbs 6-8 feet away from your home, and don’t plant foliage immediately next to your structure. Also get rid of debris as quickly as possible to prevent pests from hiding inside, and regularly pick up any dropped or rotting fruits and

  • Eliminate food and water sources:

    There are many sources of food and water around your home that hungry pests will seek out, such as garbage cans, birdbaths, and pet bowls. Prevent wildlife infestations by storing trash in secure bins and keeping perishable food in airtight containers. Birdbaths and feeders should be installed in areas away from your home. Pet food and water bowls should be kept inside or taken up when not in use.

Why You Should Rely on Wildlife Control Professionals

While these preventative wildlife control tips can be helpful in preventing a nuisance animal from wandering into your yard, they won’t do much if wild animals are already on your property. To safely and permanently remove wildlife from your property, rely on the wildlife control experts at Critter Control® of Boston.

Professional Wildlife Control Services in Boston

At Critter Control® of Boston, our team is equipped with the necessary tools and techniques to remove unwanted wildlife using non-toxic, chemical-free, and eco-friendly methods. After humanely removing the invasive wildlife, we’ll fortify your home by installing preventative measures that will keep pests out for good. To schedule an inspection for your Boston property and receive a free estimate for our wildlife control services, call us today at 617-975-0440.


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