Tips for Year-Round Wildlife Control Prevention and Maintenance

No matter the season, Boston homes and businesses are always surrounded by natural wildlife. Whether it’s woodchucks, squirrels, skunks or rats, there’s always a critter lurking nearby looking for a way to access the food and warmth inside your property. Here are some easy wildlife control tips to keep your property free of nuisance pests all year long.

Preventative Wildlife Control Tips

Protect your property with these helpful wildlife control tips:

  • Cover up

    Chimneys, exhaust fan openings, and window wells are easy entry points for wildlife. To keep wildlife from using these crucial openings as a way inside, install chimney caps and cover exhaust fans and window wells with a mesh material.

  • Secure your home

    Nuisance critters can sneak inside properties under torn weatherstripping, in between door gaps, and through holes in roofs. Regular maintenance on your home, such as repairing damaged screens, installing door sweeps, replacing weatherstripping, and repairing your roof will help keep unwanted wildlife at bay.

  • Use landscaping

    While you may want your yard to look its best, certain items like bird feeders, bird baths, and fruit trees, can attract nuisance wildlife. Removing such items, fencing in gardens and landscaping your yard are effective wildlife control techniques to prevent attracting pests to your yard. You should also trim tree limbs 6-8 feet away from your home, and don’t plant foliage immediately next to your structure. Also get rid of debris as quickly as possible to prevent pests from hiding inside, and regularly pick up any dropped or rotting fruits and

  • Eliminate food and water sources:

    There are many sources of food and water around your home that hungry pests will seek out, such as garbage cans, birdbaths, and pet bowls. Prevent wildlife infestations by storing trash in secure bins and keeping perishable food in airtight containers. Birdbaths and feeders should be installed in areas away from your home. Pet food and water bowls should be kept inside or taken up when not in use.

Why You Should Rely on Wildlife Control Professionals

While these preventative wildlife control tips can be helpful in preventing a nuisance animal from wandering into your yard, they won’t do much if wild animals are already on your property. To safely and permanently remove wildlife from your property, rely on the wildlife control experts at Critter Control® of Boston.

Professional Wildlife Control Services in Boston

At Critter Control® of Boston, our team is equipped with the necessary tools and techniques to remove unwanted wildlife using non-toxic, chemical-free, and eco-friendly methods. After humanely removing the invasive wildlife, we’ll fortify your home by installing preventative measures that will keep pests out for good. To schedule an inspection for your Boston property and receive a free estimate for our wildlife control services, call us today at 617-975-0440.

Wildlife in Attics and Crawl Spaces: Detecting and Removing Nests

Wildlife in Attics and Crawl Spaces: Detecting and Removing Nests

Wild animals are attracted to residential attics and crawl spaces because they provide a safe, warm space for the critters to nest and raise their young. Such areas are easy targets for wildlife infestations because they are often neglected, cluttered, and rarely visited by homeowners. Once inside, nuisance wildlife can cause significant damage to your attic in a short amount of time, including structural damage, insulation contamination, and electrical hazards that put you and your loved ones’ safety at risk.

Here is how you can detect a growing wildlife problem in your attic and some wildlife removal advice on how to get rid of them.

Signs of Wildlife in Attics and Crawl Spaces

Fortunately, it’s easy to tell if you’ve got wildlife in your attic or crawl space. Some common ways to identify the presence of wild animals on your property include:

  • Property damage:

    If wildlife are nesting on your property, a visual inspection will reveal gnawed materials, scratch marks, tracks, moved or damaged insulation, and droppings.

  • Know their behavior:

    Many invasive wildlife species are nocturnal, meaning they will be most active on your property at night. Listen for squeaks or scratches after the sun goes down.

  • Catch them in the act:

    Motion-activated cameras will be able to help you spot signs of nuisance wildlife and pinpoint exactly how and where they’re entering and exiting your property.

Once you’ve identified a critter infestation in your home, it’s time to act. While DIY wildlife removal methods may sound cheap and efficient, they are seldomly effective and can often cause more problems than they resolve. Your best bet for safe and effective wildlife removal is calling a licensed and trained professional. Fortunately, the experienced experts at Critter Control® of Boston are here to help.

Professional Wildlife Removal Services in Greater Boston

At Critter Control® of Boston, our team of wildlife removal professionals use non-toxic, chemical-free, and eco-friendly methods to humanely remove wildlife and keep them from returning. After inspecting your property and completely removing the unwelcome wildlife, we will provide restoration services that decontaminate your property and exclusion services that fortify your attic to ensure your wildlife problem is gone for good.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our humane and efficient wildlife removal services, call Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

Humane Wildlife Removal: Why It Matters and How It’s Done

Humane Wildlife Removal: Why It Matters and How It's Done

From traps to poisons, there are many advertised methods for getting rid of unwanted pests on your property. Unfortunately, many of those methods are outdated, inhumane, and may cause the animal to needlessly suffer. Therefore, many wildlife removal professionals these days recommend implementing humane wildlife removal methods to ensure the safety of all involved parties, including the wild animal.

Benefits of Humane Wildlife Removal

Here are some of the many benefits of humane wildlife removal methods.

  • Safe for the Animals

Humane wildlife removal involves safely capturing, removing, and relocating invasive animals rather than killing them. Humane methods are necessary when attempting to remove endangered animals or wildlife protected by law. Federally protected animals must be removed by licensed wildlife removal experts to avoid breaking laws, having to pay any fines, or being ordered to serve jail time for their unlawful death or injury.

  • Safe for the Environment

Another reason why opting for humane removal services is best is that they typically utilize non-toxic and chemical-free removal methods. Often, methods that involve poisons and pesticides will not only harm the unwanted critters infesting your home but also the animals and plants in the immediate area of your home. Inhumane pest control chemicals can also harm any pets or curious children that accidentally ingest the pesticides. By relying on humane wildlife removal services, you are doing your part to protect your loved ones and your local environment from harm.

  • Safe for Yourself

Certain wildlife removal methods are not only harmful for invasive pests, but they can also be harmful to you if you lack proper training and safety gear. When installing snap traps, for instance, you can easily injure yourself by accidentally triggering the device. Furthermore, DIY wildlife removal often involves handling the trapped creatures. A caged animal is unpredictable and may attack and bite you if it feels threatened.

By relying on a professional to administer humane wildlife removal methods, your chances of encountering an aggressive wild animal will be reduced. Instead of attempting animal removal methods on your own, keep a safe distance away from invasive wild animals and rely on the humane wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Boston.

Humane Wildlife Removal Services Available in Boston, MA

At Critter Control® of Boston, our team of humane wildlife removal experts will remove all unwanted wildlife using non-toxic, chemical-free, and humane methods. We guarantee safe, effective, and permanent results. To schedule an inspection of your property and receive a free estimate for our humane wildlife removal services, call Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

Top 10 Common Nuisance Wildlife and How to Identify Them

Top 10 Common Nuisance Wildlife and How to Identify Them

Every city has its share of natural critters that local wildlife experts must routinely remove from inside residences and businesses, and Boston, MA is no exception. Here are the top 10 common nuisance wildlife that invade Greater Boston-area residences and businesses and how to identify each.

10 Most Common Nuisance Wildlife

  1. Bats

    One of the only flying mammals in existence, bats are small, winged, nocturnal creatures, so they are most active at night. Signs of a bat infestation on your property include squeaking and fluttering noises at night and the smell of ammonia/vinegar due to an accumulation of bat urine and guano. Your windows may also begin to build up a milky residue from the toxic droppings.

  2. Chipmunks

    Chipmunks are small rodents that are known for their chubby bodies, fluffy tails, and tiny ears; however, the critters are most easily identified by the stripes going down the sides of their bodies.

  3. Groundhogs

    One of the larger rodent species, groundhogs are known best for their ability to dig. While there are a number of different critters that could dig holes on your property, groundhog infestations can be identified by the size of the holes they make, which are usually about a foot in diameter. If the holes are a bit smaller in size, you may be dealing with moles instead.

  4. Mice

    Mice are small rodents that have small bodies and big ears. Color wise, they are known to have fur that is white, gray, or brown. While cute in appearance, mice are destructive to residential properties as they can chew through important wires and infrastructure. If you start noticing small bite marks and droppings around your property, you may have a mouse problem.

  5. Opossums

    Opossums are infamously known for their ability to play dead when they feel threatened. Visually, opossums are most easily identified by their pointy snouts, nude tails, and round ears. The marsupials vary in color, some having gray coats and others having brown.

  6. Raccoons

    Raccoons are another nocturnal mammal that are a common nuisance to homeowners. Raccoons are known best for their black masked appearance and dexterous paws, which are great for opening trashcans and rummaging through trash bags. If you wake up to find knocked over trash cans and litter thrown around your backyard, then you might have a raccoon problem.

  7. Rats

    Rats are perhaps the most common nuisance pest. Their notable features include greasy, dark fur, long tails, and sharp teeth that they use to chew through materials like wood, drywall, and siding to access homes. If you notice bite marks on packaging in your pantry, you might be dealing with rats.

  8. Skunks

    Skunks are best known for their black-and-white color scheme and the foul scent they spray when scared. The omnivores aren’t picky about the types of food they eat. Similar to raccoons, skunks will rummage through garbage cans if they are not properly sealed.

  9. Squirrels

    While there are many different types of squirrels, most are about the same size, which is slightly larger than the average chipmunk. Squirrels usually occupy trees around residential properties, but will cause significant amounts of damage if they access your home. The pests can shred attic insulation and gnaw through support beams with their powerful teeth.

  10. Woodpeckers

    Known for using their beaks to peck holes into the sides of trees and buildings, woodpeckers are more likely to be heard before they are seen. However, when you do see them, they can be identified by their very colorful feathers, which are usually red, white, and black in color.

Knowing which nuisance animal you are dealing with is the first step in identifying a growing infestation. However, the best way to combat nuisance wildlife and maintain a pest-free property is to enlist the experienced services of the wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Boston.

Rely on Your Greater Boston Area Nuisance Wildlife Removal Experts

At Critter Control® of Boston, all of our nuisance wildlife removal services are effective, safe, and humane. Our team of professionals only use non-toxic and chemical-free methods to remove nuisance wildlife. Schedule an inspection of your Boston-area property and receive a free estimate for our efficient nuisance wildlife removal services by contacting Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

The Impact of Urbanization on Animal Control Services in Boston

The Impact of Urbanization on Animal Control Services in Boston

The Greater Boston area is a sprawling metropolis where growth and urban development is constant. Unfortunately, there are few instances in which urbanization does not destroy natural habitats. When trees are cut down and fields paved over to develop commercial shopping centers and residential apartment buildings, the native critters that once lived there must go somewhere. Oftentimes, displaced wildlife will return to infest whatever structure is now occupying their former habitat.

Here is what you should know about the effects of urbanization on the local wildlife population and why you should rely on animal control services if the pests try to make your property their new home.

The Effects of Urbanization on Animal Control

Local wildlife is forced to relocate when their natural habitats are destroyed. Eventually, hungry and homeless wildlife will wander into residential neighborhoods and commercial office buildings in search of food, water, and shelter. As a result, the need for animal control services will skyrocket.

Animals Affected by Urbanization

Animals that have commonly lost their habitat due to the effects of urbanization in the Greater Boston area include:

Unfortunately, coexisting with such wildlife can be both destructive to your property and detrimental to your health as these pests can cause significant property damage, create foul odors, and spread disease through bites, scratches, and contact with their toxic droppings. It is important to deal with bat, raccoon, and rodent infestations as soon as they are discovered to prevent them from growing out of control.

While it is unfortunate when wild animals lose their homes to urbanization, they should not be allowed to wreak havoc on your residential or commercial property. If you are dealing with a nuisance wildlife infestation on your Greater Boston area property, call Critter Control® of Boston immediately for safe and humane animal control services.

Reliable Animal Control Services in the Greater Boston Area

Critter Control® of Boston provides Boston-area home and business owners with the best solution to maintain a pest-free property. Not only will we humanely remove any existing pests from your property, but we will also clean and repair the mess they leave behind and install preventative measures to ensure they can’t return. All our methods are non-toxic, chemical-free, and eco-friendly, and our licensed team of professionals have the experience and expertise needed to ensure that no harm comes to the pests or your property during the removal process.

For more information on our humane animal control services or to schedule an inspection of your Greater Boston area property, call Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

What Are Exclusion Services?

What Are Exclusion Services?

The last thing home or business owners want to deal with is a pest infestation on their property. Fortunately, pest removal professionals offer exclusion services to stop an infestation before it starts. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, here is what you need to know about exclusion services and how they can keep your property pest-free.

Exclusion Services: Your Ticket to a Pest-free Home

Exclusion services do not rely on dangerous traps or harsh chemicals to eliminate pests. Instead, pest exclusion professionals take a proactive and eco-friendly stance to combat pest infestations. While methods will vary from service provider to service provider, the exclusion process generally involves the following steps to safeguard your property from bug and critter infiltration.

  • Inspection

    Exclusion services start with a thorough inspection of your property. Because pests can enter your home through even the smallest cracks and holes, a pest removal professional will meticulously examine the exterior and interior walls of your home or business to locate any gaps or other entrances that pests can use to enter your property.

  • Removal

    After the inspection, any invasive creatures on your property will be removed using humane and eco-friendly methods of removal. This step ensures that your property is pest-free before moving on to the last step.

  • Prevention

    Finally, all potential entry points are sealed using caulk or wire mesh to prevent nuisance pests from returning to invade your property in the future.

Professional exclusion services target the source of the infestation by figuring out how pests got into your property, isolating and eliminating the pests that are inside, and installing barriers to prevent new pests from getting in. If you need professional exclusion services to keep pests out of your Greater Boston-area property, rely on the pest control experts at Critter Control® of Boston.

Professional Exclusion Services in the Greater Boston Area

At Critter Control® of Boston, our pest removal experts are dedicated to making sure your property is pest-free and stays that way. That is why we offer top-tier exclusion services that will allow you to rest easy knowing that no invasive pests can penetrate your property.

For more information on our exclusion services or to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

Humane Animal Trapping and Removal: Our Ethical Approach to Control

Humane Animal Trapping and Removal: Our Ethical Approach to ControlAt Critter Control® of Boston, we focus on safety and efficiency anytime we remove a critter from a residential or commercial property. This gives you peace-of-mind that your property is protected and secure from further damage and contamination. However, we also strongly prioritize the safety of the invasive animal. No matter what type of creature is infesting your property, they will be treated with ethical and thoughtful care during our humane animal trapping process.

Our Humane Animal Trapping Services

At Critter Control® of Boston, we offer humane animal trapping services for a number of invasive creatures common to the Greater Boston area. Our services include:

The Four-step CritterSafe® Approach

One aspect of our services that sets us apart from competitors is our CritterSafe® approach to humane animal trapping. Our proven method is not only humane, but it is also non-toxic and eco-friendly. Our process consists of the four following steps:

  1. Inspection – First, we thoroughly inspect your property to locate the invasive critters and determine how they accessed your property.
  2. Removal – Then, we take a humane and chemical-free approach to safely remove and relocate the critter.
  3. Restoration – Next, we repair and disinfect any areas of your property that may have been affected by the infestation.
  4. Prevention – Finally, we install preventative measures to ensure the critters cannot return.

If your Greater Boston-area property is infested with wild animals, do not attempt to approach them on your own. Instead, call the humane animal trapping professionals at Critter Control® of Boston.

Rely on Greater Boston’s Humane Animal Trapping Experts

Whether you have an existing pest problem or would like to prevent one from starting, contact our licensed and trained technicians to deliver a safe and permanent approach. To schedule an inspection of your Greater Boston-area property and receive a free estimate for our effective and humane animal trapping services, call Critter Control® of Boston today at 617-975-0440.

Why You Should Choose Critter Control® of Boston for Wildlife Control Services

Why You Should Choose Critter Control® of Boston for Wildlife Control Services

Boston, Massachusetts is home to some of the most historical districts, landmarks, and scenic views in America. The area is also host to a variety of natural wildlife that often looks to residential areas for food and water because they provide safe shelter. While some species can calmly coexist in residential neighborhoods, others can be invasive nuisance pests that spread damage, contamination, and disease.

If your Greater Boston area home or business is under siege by invasive wildlife, then rely on the expert wildlife control services of Critter Control® of Boston.

6 Common Wildlife in Boston, MA

There are several species of wildlife living in the Boston area and the wildlife control professionals at Critter Control® of Boston are familiar with each and every one of them. Some common nuisance wildlife that requires wildlife control services in the Greater Boston area include:

  1. Bats

    Bats frequently take up space in the attic. They are especially a problem in the summer when the weather and humidity peak.

  2. Skunks

    The striped skunk is a common species found throughout Massachusetts. Skunks enjoy burrowing and will commonly be found in underground or dark spaces, such as basements, crawl spaces, and garages.

  3. Raccoons

    Raccoons are known for being particularly sneaky when invading a residential area in search of food. These dexterous creatures are capable of crawling into any open space in a residence.

  4. Rodents

    Rats, mice, and gray and red squirrels live in the Boston area and enjoy infiltrating the dark, warm, attic spaces of Boston area homes and businesses. They will chew through wires, insulation, and drywall in their attempt to find food and a place to nest and breed.

  5. Opossums

    Massachusetts is about as far north as opossums like to live. Since they don’t enjoy cold weather, these nocturnal mammals will use spaces including sheds, garages, and homes as safe havens from extreme temperatures.

  6. Birds

    Massachusetts is home to more than 500 species of birds. While they can be beautiful to look at, certain types, including woodpeckers, can become a problem due to the damages and disturbances they cause.

Damages Caused by Wildlife Infestations

When nuisance wildlife enters your home, they can create a lot of havoc and structural damage. Cracked drywall, frayed wiring, soiled insulation, and damaged wood frames are just a few of the types of damages these critters can cause.

Additionally, invasive species can pose a health concern for you and your family. Certain species of invasive wildlife can carry diseases including rabies, salmonellosis, and hantavirus—dangerous viruses that can cause lifelong health effects. Diseases from a pest can be passed through an animal’s urine or feces. It can also be transmitted through a bite or scratch if the animal is provoked or threatened.

Risks of Controlling Wildlife Yourself

Time is of the essence when dealing with a wildlife problem but attempting to remove pests yourself may not be as beneficial as you may think. Not only is DIY wildlife removal a risky endeavor, but it is also a costly, time-consuming, and inefficient process for those who lack training and experience.

Animals that feel threatened are prone to attack, so trying to control nuisance wildlife without the necessary equipment or expertise will put your health and safety in jeopardy and expose your property to further damage. Furthermore, if traps are improperly set, you could inadvertently injure yourself or the animal. And if it is a protected species, there could also be legal consequences for removing them yourself.

It’s crucial that you call the wildlife control experts at Critter Control® of Boston the moment you realize there is unwanted wildlife on your property. The longer the creatures remain in your residence, the greater risks they can pose to your home and health.

Your Boston Wildlife Control Service Professionals

If your property in the Greater Boston area is overrun with invasive wildlife, do not attempt to remove the animals on your own. Instead, choose the professional wildlife control experts at Critter Control® of Boston. Our four-step animal removal process involves identification, proper wildlife management, damage repair, and safeguards that prevent future infestations.

Whether you’re dealing with an existing nuisance pest or want to prevent wildlife from entering your home, you can count on our trained professionals for safe and effective wildlife control services. To schedule a free inspection for your Greater Boston area home or business, call us today at 617-975-0440.


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